Rotarian helping a Pet Project
Qs 3D Illusion Objects
Theme – Science FICTION
Mars Exploration by AIRK: Artificial Intelligent Robo Kewljoe
AI provided by 64x64x64 bit Quantum Computing with 3.4×10^30 byte
Fullerene memory.
Instantaneous Mars Earth communication via 64^3 Quantum Ghosting.
Ultra/Sub sonic detection, infrared to ultraviolet vision, piston driven jaws.
Defense system: Gatling gun w1000 nanotube layered bullets.
Side shield diamond plated Copper/Tungsten for protection and
heat sinking properties.
Polyurethane rubber diamond powder mix in tracks for wide temperature
use over frozen methane lakes or hot lava like terrain.
High speed piston driven front legs for climbing. Piston driven spikes inside
paws for climbing vertical mountains.
Illegal to switch into Attack Killer Dog mode or Guard Dog mode
Cut, fold and tape/glue Qs 3D Illusion Objects Multi Purpose: Greeting/Crafting card to get the keepsake/shelf item/desktop accompaniment AIRK.
Get a bulk order to give this multi purpose greeting/crafting card to your customers,
clients, friends, relatives, etc.
Detailed instructions are printed on pg.2 of the card.
To make things even easier, watch a video sample of the crafting.
It does not matter which way the ‘dog’ is facing, the process of cutting and folding is similar.
Visit a 3rd party video****, CUTTING THEN FOLDING starts at ~1:10m.
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